How to Reduce Pain and Inflammation Naturally

Bottom Line:

Yes, the inflammatory processes within the body is extremely complex, but solutions to decreasing your inflammation aren't.


Developing a plan and strategy can make reducing pain and inflammation simple. These strategies can be extremely effective and natural. 

What are these natural strategies? Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all ways that have been shown to effectively reduce pain and inflammation naturally. Does this sound like things we can all do on our own? I’d say so. 


So if you’re experiencing pain or are feeling the effects of inflammation try implementing these strategies into your life. Remember, these aren’t overnight fixes. These strategies can take a bit of time and consistency. Nothing sustainable happens quickly. Being consistent with these strategies also makes them part of your lifestyle, or habit, which increase the chances they will remain part of your healthy living going forward! 

Why it Matters:

Your diet and daily exercise routine play a huge role in managing chronic inflammation because each influences your weight and sleep patterns.


Many berries and vegetables are high in antioxidants that can lower your overall inflammation, and provide you with more energy. Daily exercise can help protect you against conditions such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes, which have been linked to chronic inflammation. All three of these conditions are extremely prevalent in the United States. We are also a very sedentary and unhealthy society as a whole. 

Did You Know: 

 ·   Antioxidants known as polyphenols can lower inflammation.

·   Even 20 minutes of daily exercise can have an anti-inflammatory effect. The goal for physical activity in adults is 150 minutes a week. You can do the math, but that’s only 30 minutes each weekday. This can be as simple as a brisk walk! 


·   Proper sleep patterns encourage recovery and can lower stress and inflammation levels. Achieving restful sleep can be difficult, but the strategies above can increase your chances of getting the quality of sleep needed to improve your daily performance. 

Next Steps: 

Reducing pain and inflammation naturally starts with your ability to move your body and exercise daily. If you’re experiencing pain during movement, most likely you’re not going to want to do MORE of it. That’s where we come in! Our goal of treatment is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible so you can begin exercising again, get back to the gym, or whatever your goals are. 


Whatever they are, we just want you to feel GREAT while doing them. If you feel great while doing an activity you’re much more likely to continue it. 


Dr. Sealey will be glad to work with you to develop a plan to help you achieve your health goals and eliminate your pain! Don’t hesitate to schedule now.


Give us a call. Let’s make chronic inflammation a thing of the past.

Dalton Sealey DC, CSCS

ProMove Chiropractic & Performance


Science Source(s): 

Understanding Acute and Chronic Inflammation. Harvard Health Publishing. 2020.


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