Understanding Shoulder Pain: Causes, Types, and Effective Chiropractic Treatments

Shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition that limits daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether you're experiencing discomfort from a rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, or tendinitis, it's crucial to understand the root causes and find effective treatments. And, discovering effective chiropractic shoulder pain relief methods can transform lives!


Causes and Types of Shoulder Pain:

One of the first steps to finding relief is understanding shoulder pain causes. Conditions like frozen shoulder and tendinitis also often bring individuals in search of non-invasive treatments. The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the human body, making it susceptible to various conditions and injuries. Common causes of shoulder pain include:

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Often due to overuse or acute trauma, affecting the group of muscles and tendons stabilizing the shoulder. Also, rotator cuff injuries are a frequent reason for visits to chiropractic clinics.

Frozen Shoulder

Characterized by stiffness, pain, and limited range of movement.


Inflammation of the tendons, usually from overuse. 

Chiropractic Care: An Evidence-Based Approach

When it comes to chiropractic shoulder pain relief, ProMove Chiropractic offers evidence-based methods to tackle even the most stubborn discomfort. Chiropractic care offers a holistic solution for shoulder pain relief. Our expert chiropractors adopt a combination of:

Manual Adjustments

To restore proper joint alignment and improve shoulder function. Our manual shoulder adjustments aim to realign joints!

Soft Tissue Therapies

These can reduce inflammation and pain. Our soft tissue therapies are designed to specifically target areas affected by conditions such as rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder treatment.

Rehabilitative Exercises

These are tailored exercises that strengthen supporting muscles and prevent future injuries.

With these techniques, we've seen countless patients experience long-term relief and improved range of motion. To summarize, we provide shoulder rehabilitative exercises to ensure long-term health and mobility to your shoulder! 

Home Care Tips for Enhanced Recovery:

Beyond our chiropractic treatments, we believe in empowering our patients with home care for shoulder pain guidance. Our tips are not just about immediate relief; they are designed for consistent shoulder health. While chiropractic care plays a crucial role in recovery, there are steps you can take at home to support the healing process:


Gentle movements can alleviate stiffness.

Heat/Ice Therapy

Helps in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief.

Ergonomic Adjustments

Daily activities, when done wrong, can aggravate the pain, but with the right ergonomic adjustments for shoulder health, you can mitigate many risks. Ensure your daily activities don't exacerbate the pain.

Following these tips can enhance your recovery and ensure your shoulder remains healthy in the long run.

Real Transformations: Witness the Power of Chiropractic Care

Seeing is believing, especially when it comes to the effectiveness of chiropractic shoulder pain relief. From intense pain to remarkable transformations, witness how our tailored treatment plans have made a difference. From those suffering from severe rotator cuff injuries to cases of long-standing frozen shoulder, our chiropractic methods have offered transformative results
Effective chiropractic shoulder pain relief is not just about alleviating the pain but understanding its root causes, from rotator cuff injuries to poor daily ergonomics. Shoulder pain does not need to be a permanent part of your life. With the right knowledge, chiropractic care, and self-care techniques, you can regain shoulder health and enjoy a pain-free life.

Dalton Sealey DC, CSCS

ProMove Chiropractic & Performance



Science Source:

Herniated Disk. Mayo Clinic. 2022.

Herniation Patients Treated with Spinal Therapy. JMPT. 2013.



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