Improve Your Workout Performance with Chiropractic

Bottom Line:

CrossFit is a challenging sport involving a variety of full body movements and lifts placing a lot of demand on your muscles and joints!


The CrossFit community primarily focuses on building strength and power, while incorporating  conditioning into the workout as well. Of course, adding in a healthy dose of competition (for good measure) doesn’t hurt. 


Their training programs typically incorporate a wide range of exercises to achieve their goal. With this variety of exercises comes a variety of tools and implements being used. You can see Kettlebells, barbells, dumbells, rowers, vertical rope, pull-up bars, jump rope, treadmill, assault bike, boxes, etc. all being used for the WOD (Workout of the Day).  


That is a lot of variety and movement exposure…which is great for your body when done correctly! 


CrossFit success comes down to the ability to remain consistent and dedicated to the process of physical and mental growth. Like any other athlete, or person exercising, remaining consistent can simply mean avoid injuries that will set you back or keep you from the gym. 


That is exactly what we strive to do at ProMove! Our practice, care, and treatments are personalized to your performance goals and focused on keeping you on track (physically) to reach those goals. 


The last thing any CrossFitter wants is to see is all the progress they made taken away with an injury. 


Why it Matters:

If you’re a CrossFitter, or anyone who lifts weights, and you’re looking to optimize your performance and recovery, there is no better choice than chiropractic care! 


Adjustments - Manual Therapy - Dry Needling - Function Rehab - Graston




This is interesting…..

Recent research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can positively influence your nervous system in ways that result in increased strength.


More importantly, adjustments and muscle work can help decrease the body’s inflammation improving recovery response. When it comes to strength, the best way to get there is to optimize recovery and allow for muscle repair to happen quickly. 


To put that all together:


●  CrossFit is a popular, high-intensity style workout that focuses on strength and conditioning.

●  Improving your core strength, and overall flexibility can help reduce your likelihood of experiencing injuries during, and between CrossFit sessions. Injuries halt your much earned progress, so take care of your body! 


●  In a recent study, researchers found that athletes experienced a measurable and sustained increase in strength for up to 30 minutes following chiropractic adjustments.

● Our variety of services are muscular based to improve blood flow, increase oxygenation, and accelerate muscular repair to speed up your gains! 


Next Steps: 

Crossfit is a very tough, challenging, and rewarding choice of exercise. 

It’s very physically and mentally demanding. 


It’s intense. High energy. 


And that is why it is so fun and popular! 


ProMove wants to be a part of your plan to stay on top of your game in the gym by keeping the body feeling, functioning, moving, performing, and recovering as best that it can. 


You’re sessions at ProMove will go a long way towards keeping you strong and active, and our expert team is also happy to help your achieve all your weightlifting and CrossFit goals! 


So, if we’ve got you thinking about looking up a Sport’s Performance related chiropractor in Midtown Omaha, go ahead and give us a call before you hit the gym!


Dalton Sealey DC, CSCS

ProMove Chiropractic & Performance


Science Source:

Impact of CrossFit-Related Spinal Injuries. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019.



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